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Lateral Symmetry Comparison

Compare Lateral Symmetry (side to side force generation) between two different runners.

Lateral Symmetry, or side-to-side force balance, is key for efficient and injury-free running. This case study compares the Lateral Symmetry scores of Amanda and Jeff, showcasing how they used Aletheia's insights to adjust their training.

Amanda's Lateral Symmetry Score

Amanda's Lateral Symmetry of LOW

Amanda's left-vs-right force symmetry score was LOW, indicating a significant strength or mobility imbalance between her legs. This imbalance could lead to inefficiencies in her running form and a higher risk of injury.

Jeff's Lateral Symmetry Score

Jeff's Lateral Symmetry score of HIGH

Jeff's left-vs-right force symmetry score was HIGH, demonstrating a well-balanced force generation between his legs. This balance is a sign of a healthy and effective training routine.

Amanda and Jeff's experiences highlight the importance of monitoring Lateral Symmetry. Aletheia helps runners improve performance and prevent injuries by providing essential insights into their balance.

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