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Amanda's 1 Hour Run

Observe how Amanda’s form changes over the course of 1 hour.

By recording Amanda's force portraits over 39 intervals in her 1-hour run, we were able to track dynamic changes in her force generation invisible to the eye. We can then quantify developments in fatigue and symmetry.


Running Direction Symmetry

Amanda's Running Direction Symmetry decreased significantly. This change is noticeable in the side and rear view force portraits.

Vertical Symmetry

Amanda's Vertical Symmetry did not change significantly. However, her overall VS score is LOW. Her assymmetrical force distribution is apparent from the rear view force portrait, but not as easy to spot with a traditional view.


The overall volume of Amanda's force portrait increased significantly. In effect, by the end of the run, the sacrum experienced more force to maintain the same running speed. The traditional view reveals Amanda's fatiguing form.

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